Zoe Meyer & Nichole Auston

How to Move from Tactical to Strategic: 5 Essentials Every Successful Customer Advocacy Program Needs

2022-01-31T20:49:50-06:00Customer Advocacy and Customer Reference, Customer Engagement and Customer Marketing, Customer Reference|

Most customer advocacy programs have grown out of a need to supply a reference to a prospect for a sales opportunity. If you wait until the prospect asks for a reference, then you are working in what’s called an ‘on-demand’ and reactive state of doing business.  Many customer advocacy programs were once called (and

Advocate Marketing Drives Brand Awareness

2024-10-18T11:21:51-05:00Advocate Marketing, Customer Advocacy and Customer Reference, Customer Marketing|

Advocate Marketing is a powerful strategy available to B2B marketers. It is a form of marketing that emphasizes engaging existing customers in your business and theirs.  These customers talk about, tweet about, and may even blog about your company and its products and services. Their third-party endorsement helps lend credibility to your brand and

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