Zoe Meyer

Customer Advocacy as a Brand Differentiator

2021-12-23T11:16:04-06:00Advocate Marketing, Customer Advocacy and Customer Reference, Customer Marketing|

As someone passionate about customer advocacy, I am convinced that a customer advocacy program is one of the most effective ways to start building meaningful relationships with your customers and empower authentic word of mouth.  Amplifying your Happy Customer’s voice through a mix of media and channels not only extends your brand’s reach but does

How Customer Advocacy Aligns Sales and Marketing

2021-12-23T11:12:09-06:00Customer Advocacy and Customer Reference, Customer Marketing, Customer Reference|

The Sales Department needs a reference to speak with a prospect.  Demand Generation needs a customer success story for a specific campaign.  Product Marketing needs a customer to speak with an analyst for a product review.   These are just a few examples of the diverse requests you may have in your organization where you

Technology for Your Customer Advocacy Program and Why You Need It

2022-01-31T20:31:06-06:00Customer Advocacy and Customer Reference, Customer Reference, Reference Management Technology|

Your customer advocacy program can benefit from technology to provide you a single view of communication with a customer and equally important, provide you a single view of communication between your sales and marketing teams internally. Many of today’s reference management software solutions can be integrated with CRM solutions and automate the processes you

How To Leverage Your Customer Advocacy Program Throughout the Sales Cycle

2022-01-31T20:38:24-06:00Customer Advocacy and Customer Reference, Sales Enablement and Customer Success|

Your customer advocacy program is a powerful tool in strengthening your brand and shortening the sales cycle. Here is how your program can impact the various sales milestones: Pre-Qualification by B2B Buyer According to Forrester, “today’s business buyers are increasingly self-directed: 60% prefer not to interact with a sales rep as the primary source

The Customer Reference and the Customer Advocate

2022-03-25T08:43:27-05:00Customer Advocacy and Customer Reference, Customer Reference|

The customer reference and the customer advocate walk into a cafe. They begin speaking while ordering a coffee and find a commonality – they both use your product(s). They continue their conversation, talking about the benefits and perhaps drawbacks of the solution, but most certainly, they are speaking about your company’s engagement with them.

Branding and Customer Advocacy in Harmony

2022-03-25T08:43:50-05:00Customer Advocacy and Customer Reference, Customer Marketing, Social Media and Brand Advocates|

How often have you heard someone in your marketing or sales organization say, ‘the competition has lots of impressive logos on their company site, why don’t we?’  My answer to that question is you can! The most effective way to have more impressive logos is through building a solid network of advocates. Let your

The Art of Organizing Happy Customers and Attracting More

2022-03-25T08:44:09-05:00Customer Advocacy and Customer Reference, Customer Engagement and Customer Marketing, Customer Marketing|

In 2016, only 10% of B2B IT vendors had established customer advocacy programs, despite it being named one of the top 5 most essential competencies for marketing success, according to IDC.  IDC’s 2017 Loyalty Marketing & Advocacy Marketing Barometer study found that 67% of companies now have customer advocacy programs in place – a

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