Customer Engagement

Turning Your Customers into Brand Advocates

2024-11-27T15:16:35-06:00Customer Advocacy, Customer Engagement, Voice of the Customer|

Customer advocacy helps your company drive revenue growth, build brand strength, reduce attrition, and differentiate your company from the competition. Its power lies in activating the customer’s voice at any stage in their journey and at multiple organizational levels. How do you turn your customers into advocates for your brand?  First, you need to identify

What’s in a B2B Marketing Growth Strategy?

2024-11-27T15:17:24-06:00Customer Advocacy, Customer Engagement, Customer Marketing|

A marketing growth strategy aims to increase a company’s customer base, market share, and revenue. This is achieved by acquiring new customers, expanding the current customer base with new products or services, and retaining these customers in the long term.  A successful marketing growth strategy focuses on the entire customer lifecycle. A customer-centric mindset allows

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